Leadership Raleigh Welcomes its New Class
Leadership Raleigh Welcomes New Classes
Leadership Raleigh participants get a behind-the-scenes view into all aspects of our community—from the education system and the role of the media to law enforcement and economic development.
Last week, the two newest Leadership Raleigh classes got their years started at retreats at the Graylyn International Conference Center in Winston-Salem.
Leadership Raleigh is a nine-month program consisting of eight one-day sessions held in the greater Raleigh area with an opening weekend retreat. The program emphasizes three overall components: team projects, community orientation, and enhancing leadership skills/styles.
Due to overwhelming interest in the program from business leaders across the community, the Chamber launched two classes of the program in 2015. This format will remain going forward.
Interested in learning more about the program? VIist www.leadershipraleigh.org or email leadershipraleigh@raleighchamber.org!